Effect of plasma nonlinearity on the beam-plasma interaction in a hybrid plasma waveguide

Autor: E.A. Kornilov, Yu. P. Bliokh, V. G. Svichenskii, V. O. Podobinskii, O. F. Kovpik, M. G. Lyubarskii, A. N. Antonov, Konstantin Matyash, Ya. B. Fainberg
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Plasma Physics Reports. 27:251-258
ISSN: 1562-6938
Popis: A study is made of the characteristic features of the effect of plasma nonlinearity in a slow-wave structure on microwave generation by an electron beam and on electron beam energy losses. Theoretical results on the plasma density variation, the amplitude of the excited microwaves, and the velocity distribution function of the beam electrons are compared with the experimental data. It is shown that the self-consistency between the decreasing plasma density gradient and the spatial variation of the amplitude of an amplified wave in a slowwave structure leads to a significant (severalfold) increase in the efficiency with which the electron beam energy is converted into microwave energy in short pulses. The predictions of the theoretical model developed to describe the non-steady-state beam-plasma interaction agree well with the experimental data.
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