Methylene blue photodynamic therapy to sterilize deep tissue abscess cavities: a phase 1 trial in progress and simulation study

Autor: Lam Nguyen, Timothy M. Baran, Thomas H. Foster, Ashwani K. Sharma
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Photonic Diagnosis, Monitoring, Prevention, and Treatment of Infections and Inflammatory Diseases 2021.
Popis: Despite advances in image-guided percutaneous drainage, deep tissue abscesses remain a serious cause of morbidity, mortality, and hospital stay. We initiated a Phase 1 clinical trial exploring safety and feasibility of methylene blue (MB) photodynamic therapy during drainage. Five subjects have been treated, with no study-related adverse events and high technical success. Monte Carlo simulations were used to examine effects of optical properties on delivered light dose. We found that light dose is highly dependent upon MB uptake and Intralipid concentration. These results motivated construction of an optical spectroscopy system for determination of abscess wall optical properties in vivo.
Databáze: OpenAIRE