Differentially Fed CDRA Array with Phase Inverter for High Gain and Reduced Cross Polarization

Autor: Nazmul Hasan, Saeideh Shad, Roy B. V. B. Simorangkir, Karu P. Esselle
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting.
DOI: 10.1109/apusncursinrsm.2019.8889241
Popis: This paper presents a compact novel 2×2 CDRA array with high gain and reduced cross polarization. By feeding the array elements differentially, the reduction of cross polarization and the enhancement of gain are achieved. The feeding network employs an on-board 180° phase inverter as a balun for differential feeding of array elements. The simulated results show that the proposed array achieves −10 dB impedance bandwidth of 5.78−5.9 GHz with a broadside radiation pattern having a peak realized gain of 11.07 dBi at 5.84 GHz. The cross-polarization levels in the boresight direction are −30.65 dB and −29.5 dB in YZ and XZ plane, respectively at 5.84 GHz. The proposed CDRA array is compact, making it suitable for portable devices.
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