High efficiency Inverted Metamorphic (IMM) solar cells

Autor: D.D. Krut, W. Hong, S. Wierman, Christopher M. Fetzer, E. Rehder, S. B. Singer, Shoghig Mesropian, X.-Q. Liu, Richard R. King, H.L. Cotal, D. Bhusari, Kenneth M. Edmondson, Philip T. Chiu, Robyn L. Woo, Joseph Boisvert, D.C. Law, Nasser H. Karam
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: 2013 IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC).
Popis: High efficiency Inverted Metamorphic (IMM) multi-junction solar cells have been under development at Spectrolab for use in space and near space applications This paper reviews the present state-of-the-art of this technology at Spectrolab with an emphasis on performance characterization data at in-flight operating conditions. Large area IMM3J and IMM4J solar cells with 1X AM0 efficiency greater than 32% at 28 °C have been fabricated and characterized. Degradation factors after exposure to 1 MeV electron irradiation for both IMM3J and IMM4J technologies is presented. A coupon utilizing large area, IMM solar cells has been assembled and subjected to thermal cycling. Pre-and post thermal cycling data have been collected. Preliminary temperature cycling data indicate that a small coupon populated with strings of these cells suffered no degradation.
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