Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

Autor: David Albert Jones, Calum MacKellar, Chris Gastmans
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Lessons from Belgium
Popis: Herman Nys / A discussion of the legal rules on euthanasia in Belgium briefly compared with the rules in Luxembourg and the Netherlands -- Etienne Montero / The Belgian experience of euthanasia since its legal implementation in 2002 -- Daniel P. Sulmasy / Ethics and the psychiatric dimensions of physician assisted suicide : a view from the United States -- Paul Vanden Berghe, Arsene Mullie, Marc Desmet, and Gert Huysmans / Assisted dying : the current situation in Flanders : euthanasia embedded in palliative care -- Sigrid Sterckx and Kasper Raus / The practice of continuous sedation at the end of life in Belgium : how does it compare to UK practice, and is it being used as a form of euthanasia? -- Benoit Beuselinck / 2002-2016 : fourteen years of euthanasia in Belgium : first-line observations by an oncologist -- Trevor Stammers / A last act of grace? organ donation and euthanasia in Belgium -- Kevin Fitzpatrick and David Albert Jones / A life worth living? disabled people and euthanasia in Belgium -- Joris Vandenberghe / Euthanasia in patients with intolerable suffering due to an irremediable psychiatric illness : a psychiatric perspective -- Stefaan Van Gool and Jan De Lepeleire / Euthanasia in children : keep asking the right questions -- Raphael Cohen-Almagor / Euthanizing people who are 'tired of life' -- Chris Gastmans / Euthanasia in persons with severe dementia -- Calum MacKellar / Some possible consequences arising from the normalisation of euthanasia in Belgium -- David Albert Jones / Euthanasia and assisted suicide in Belgium : bringing an end to interminable discussion -- Willem Lemmens / Psychiatric patients and the culture of euthanasia in Belgium.
Databáze: OpenAIRE