To Seek or Not to Seek: Is That the Only Question? Recent Developments in Feedback-Seeking Literature

Autor: Mrudula Nujella, Katleen De Stobbeleir, Susan J. Ashford
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior. 3:213-239
ISSN: 2327-0616
DOI: 10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-041015-062314
Popis: In 1983, our understanding of feedback in organizations shifted from a focus on feedback from supervisors through the annual performance review to consider also the feedback information proactively sought by individuals as part of their everyday interactions within organizations ( Ashford & Cummings 1983 ). This article updates our understanding of the field of feedback-seeking behavior (FSB) since this literature was last reviewed in 2003, analyzes its current state, and suggests future research ideas. We begin by positioning feedback seeking within a broader theoretical context by relating it to proactivity, impression management, and individual adjustment. We then review what we currently know about who is more likely to seek feedback, as well as the contexts that stimulate such seeking. We then review the benefits and potential costs that might accompany feedback seeking, with regard to the person who is seeking it as well as the group. We conclude this review by identifying potentially fruitful avenues for further research and some key practical implications.
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