Trialectical Principles of the New Paradigm of Economic Vision: Unomics, Transpersonal Psychology and Spiritual and Moral Globalism

Autor: G. V. Zadorozhny, O. G. Zadorozhna
Rok vydání: 2022
ISSN: 1729-7206
Popis: New methodological developments in the field of economic vision in the last decade are based on understanding and deploying the basic principles of post-classical science, which seeks knowledge of whole people and the economy, reality in general, where the mechanical-materialist approach with its basic method of materialist dialectics proved impossible. Therefore, the study of the spiritual world of man, his spirit and consciousness is extremely relevant today. The format of human dimension, integrity and universality takes the researcher beyond a purely economic approach and introduces him to the economic coordinate system of thinking, where the economy is understood as the whole holistic sphere of human life. The economy in this area is only a service subsystem associated with commodity-money, sales relations. Economics has emerged as a new integrated science of humanity and its deployment in the economy. Recognition of the hypothesis of a single three-dimensional – spiritual, bio-social nature of man as an axiom of the new social science opens the possibility of understanding that the hypothesis of humanity, which was substantiated by Ukrainian economists, will soon become an axiom of the new postclassical human science. This will help to understand the essence of anti-crisis transformations, will be able to set the main vector of soteriological necessary practical socio-economic, economic reforms for the benefit of man. Keywords trialectics, new paradigm of economic vision, spiritual-bio-social nature of man, human dimension, uni, humanity, unomics.
Databáze: OpenAIRE