Compression creep behaviour of precursor-derived SiCN Ceramics

Autor: Fritz Aldinger, J. Canel, Joachim Bill, G. Thurn
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Precursor-Derived Ceramics: Synthesis, Structures and High Temperature Mechanical Properties
ISSN: 0955-2219
DOI: 10.1016/s0955-2219(99)00093-x
Popis: The creep behaviour of SiCN materials derived from polyvinylsilazane (PVS) and polyhydridomethylsilazane (PHMS) precursors was investigated in the temperature range between 1200 and 1550°C at compressive stresses between 30 and 250 MPa in air. Both materials show very similar creep behaviour. Decreasing strain rates with time were observed. Even after 4×10 6 s creep deformation, stationary creep was not observed. Temperature dependence of the creep behaviour of such materials is very low. Dense passivating oxide layers were found on the surface of creep specimens tested in the temperature range up to 1500°C. At 1550°C active oxidation was observed.
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