Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Molecular and cellular characteristics of hybrid vigour in a commercial hybrid of Chinese cabbage

Autor: Saeki, Natsumi, Kawanabe, Takahiro, Ying, Hua, Shimizu, Motoki, Kojima, Mikiko, Abe, Hiroshi, Okazaki, Keiichi, Kaji, Makoto, Taylor, Jennifer, Sakakibara, Hitoshi, W. Peacock, Dennis, Elizabeth, Fujimoto, Ryo
Rok vydání: 2016
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3600152_d2.v1
Popis: Development of S27, R29, and F1 hybrid. (A) Two day seedlings of S27, R29, and F1 hybrid. The number of true leaves (B) and fresh weight at 30 DAS (C) in F1 hybrid and parental lines. Figure S2. Flow cytometry analysis of nuclei from cotyledon at 6 DAS (A) and 1st and 2nd leaves at 14 DAS (B) in S27, R29, and the F1 hybrid. Figure S3. Bar graph of the expression levels of upregulated (left panel) and downregulated (right panel) genes in F1 hybrid compared with parental lines. Figure S4. Comparison between relative ratio of SNP numbers between parental alleles in F1 hybrid (x axis) and relative expression levels between parental lines (y axis) in the total expressed genes. Figure S5. Comparison between ratio of SNP numbers in parental alleles in F1 hybrid (x axis) and relative expression levels in parental lines (y axis) in the non-additively expressed genes between F1 and mid parent value (circles) and differentially expressed genes between parental lines (squares). Figure S6. Scatter diagram of SNP numbers of S27 alleles (x axis) and R29 alleles (y axis) in F1 hybrid transcripts. Figure S7. Parental allelic ratio in allele-specific expressed genes involved in the GO category of â Ribosomeâ . Figure S8. Phenotypes with norflurazon treatment. (PPT 11230 kb)
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