Pays, bastion et forteresse catholique ? À propos de la construction du sens social du nom propre Pologne dans le discours de la presse écrite

Autor: Patrycja Chruściel
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Romanica Wratislaviensia. 66:163-176
ISSN: 0557-2665
DOI: 10.19195/0557-2665.66.13
Popis: PAYS, BASTION AND FORTERESSE CATHOLIQUE? CONSTRUCTION OF THE MEANING OF THE PROPER NAME POLOGNE IN PRESS DISCOURSE This paper is part of a broader study on the social meaning sens social of the proper name Pologne Poland created in the media production. The analysis of press discourse makes it possible to observe the recurrence of the adjective catholique Catholic in the co-occurrences of this toponym. The aim of this paper is, firstly, to examine the syntactic entourage of the name Pologne in which the adjective catholique appears and, secondly, to analyse, on the paradigmatic axis, reformulations of the toponym Pologne where this adjective appears in the diaphoric network. This approach results in the description of the micro-field of the lexico-discursive profile of the name Pologne.
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