An acceleration of FFT-based algorithms for the match-count problem

Autor: Kensuke Baba
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Information Processing Letters. 125:1-4
ISSN: 0020-0190
DOI: 10.1016/j.ipl.2017.04.013
Popis: The match-count problem on strings is a problem of counting the matches of characters for every possible gap of the starting positions between two strings. This problem for strings of lengths m and n ( m ≤ n ) over an alphabet of size σ is classically solved in O ( σ n log ⁡ m ) time using the algorithm based on the convolution theorem and a fast Fourier transform (FFT). This paper provides a method to reduce the number of computations of the FFT required in the FFT-based algorithm. The algorithm obtained by the proposed method still needs O ( σ n log ⁡ m ) time, but the number of required FFT computations is reduced from 3 σ to 2 σ + 1 . This practical improvement of the processing time is also applicable to other algorithms based on the convolution theorem, including algorithms for the weighted version of the match-count problem.
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