Analysis of spatial temporal feature of citizen’s wellness behavior based on multi-source big data at the Greater Nanchang Metropolitan Area

Autor: Lan Xiaoji, Hou Zhongyan
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: 2020 International Conference on Big Data and Social Sciences (ICBDSS).
DOI: 10.1109/icbdss51270.2020.00055
Popis: Wellness industry comes into being with the development of Chinese economy and the change of civil consuming attitudes. Demand for health becomes extremely urgent so that the wellness behavior has been an important part of people’s daily life. Therefore, it is significant to study the temporal and spatial character of wellness behavior which will help to promote the development of wellness industry. Based on multi-source big data including Point of Interest (POI) from Amap, Tencent’s Location Big Data and road network from OpenStreetMap, we analyze the spatial distribution of the wellness POIs with Density Analysis Tool and Proximity Analysis Tool of ArcGIS and generate heatmaps of people’s location on different time from Monday to Sunday. With the heatmaps we analyze people’s wellness preference in workdays and weekends and the results show that: (1) different kinds of wellness POIs vary in spatial distribution which is obvious in different district. (2) Workdays or weekends is one reason for variation of people’s choices on wellness mode. In workdays, people prefer to choose POIs which are near from home or office, but in weekends they also pay attention to POIs far away. (3) People’s preference varies in different districts and different period because the accessibility of wellness POIs, the spatial distribution of different types of wellness POIs and the traffic condition around them can affect people’s choice. Besides, in the procession of calculating the accessibility of POIs, a modified method is proposed to deal with the POIs which are away from the traffic network so that as many as possible POIs can be pushed into calculation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE