Cosmic ray origin: Why cosmic ray (Astroparticle) phenomenon is universal in the Universe? What is the main driver of cosmic ray particle generation?

Autor: Lev I. Dorman
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Advances in Space Research. 64:2418-2425
ISSN: 0273-1177
Popis: During many years energetic particles generated on the Sun were called as Solar Cosmic Rays (SCR), but now increased the tendency to rename this phenomenon as Solar Energetic Particles (SEP) event. We will show that SEP, as well as energetic particles generated in magnetospheres of the Earth, Jupiter, Saturn and other planets, in interplanetary space, and in atmospheres of stars have the same nature as Galactic and Intergalactic CR: they are all runaway particles from the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of background plasma where they were generated. Energy of these run-away particles is much higher than average energy of background thermal particles. It is shown in this paper that the energy of all these run-away particles have the same general nature: it is always transfer energy from the Macro-objects and Macro-processes directly to Micro World (to charged runaway particles). This transfer energy is formatted in dynamic plasma with frozen in magnetic fields: really magnetic fields ‘glues’ billions thermal background particles into Macro-objects and Macro-processes. So, thank to frozen in magnetic fields runaway particles can interact not only with thermal background particles (and loose energy), but also directly with Macro-objects and Macro-processes with very high macro-energy (many order higher than energy of run-away particle). Thermodynamically Macro-objects and Macro-processes have much bigger “effective temperature” than runaway particles and though the energy always transferred from Macro World to runaway particles of Micro World. We come to conclusion that main cause of origin of all types of Cosmic Rays in the Universe is the transform energy from Macro-world directly to Micro-world through frozen in magnetic fields in plasmas. At the stage when in early Universe were formatted small density plasmas objects with frozen in magnetic fields, where formatted also Cosmic Rays of different types, but these “relict” Cosmic Ray particles have now very small energy thanks to extension Universe. So, observed now CR particles of different types are generated continuously by transfer energy from Macro World to runaway charged particles of Micro World through frozen in magnetic fields (including the main sources as Supernova explosions, Supernova remnants, and some smaller sources, as stars, star’s winds, planetary magnetospheres, and others).
Databáze: OpenAIRE