Gestión estratégica del recurso pluvial urbano: condición actual en Colombia

Autor: Ernesto Villegas-Rodríguez, Gustavo Sandoval-Betancour, Elvia Isabel Casas-Matiz, Luis Fernando Molina-Prieto, Oscar Alfonso Cortés Cely
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Cuadernos de Vivienda y Urbanismo. 12
ISSN: 2145-0226
DOI: 10.11144/javeriana.cvu12-24.gerp
Popis: This article evaluates the current conditions defining the management of the urban rainwater resource in Colombia. An international overview of the new paradigms for the urban rainwater resource management is provided, as well as the main factors causing floods in the Colombian territory. This work also provides a comparative analysis of the urban rules/regulations in five European countries and those currently in force in Colombia, and the primary factor to be considered when designing water-sensitive architectures with the financial benefits derived from the rainwater resource management in Bogota. The aim is to bring technical and financial benefits to both the city and citizen. It is concluded that in Colombia there are poor public policies taking into account the rainwater. Likewise, in the planning efforts there is not yet any project integrating the rainwater as a part of the urban design or the urban landscape in the contemporary Colombian cities.
Databáze: OpenAIRE