Visualizing concept space of course content

Autor: Rania Aboalela, Javed I. Khan
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: 2015 IEEE 7th International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED).
Popis: This research presents visualization model to introduce learning knowledge according to pedagogical relation of the concepts. In a course normally we covered hundred of concepts with interesting relationship. For the current study, we take a computer science course “Data Structure” and show some interesting aspects of the relationship of the concepts. The pedagogical relation involved of three bases: the syllabus relation dimension, the ontology relation dimension, and the dimension of the cognitive skills levels of the concepts. The cognitive skills levels means comprehension in term of verbs connect between the concepts and obtains prerequisite relation between the concepts such that, to understand, or apply, or analyze, etc. a particular concept the prerequisite concepts should be known.
Databáze: OpenAIRE