Origin and fate of IgE-bearing lymphocytes. II. Modulation of IgE isotype expression on Peyer's patch cells by feeding with certain bacteria and bacterial cell wall components or by thymectomy

Autor: H G Durkin, S M Chice, E Gaetjens, H Bazin, L Tarcsay, P Dukor
Rok vydání: 1989
Zdroj: The Journal of Immunology. 143:1777-1783
ISSN: 1550-6606
Popis: Mechanisms regulating the appearance of sIgE+ B lymphocytes appear to be lacking in adult germfree (GF) rats in that their Peyer's patches (PP) contain high numbers of cells with sIgE (approximately 15% of total cells), one-half of which simultaneously express sIgA, whereas sIgE+ cells are absent from PP of conventional rats (less than 1%). GF rat PP also contain elevated numbers of sIgA+ cells and decreased numbers of sIgM+ cells, with elevated numbers of sThy-1+ RT 7.1+ Ig- T cells, and reduced numbers of sThy-1- RT 7.1+ Ig- T cells. The cellular composition of PP of GF rats was converted to that resembling a conventional rat within 18 h after either 1) use of standard (unautoclaved) food; 2) feeding with certain bacteria (Clostridium difficile, Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and Klebsiella pneumoniae), in either live or heat-killed, but not autoclaved form; or with certain bacterial cell wall components: murein (peptidoglycan), and its synthetic derivatives, muramyltripeptide phosphatidylethanolamine and desmethyl-muramyldipeptide, but not with LPS, core lipid A or lipoprotein; there was no effect if any bacterial cell wall component was injected i.v.; or 3) thymectomy. Each procedure resulted in elimination of sIgE+ B cells and normalization of the other surface isotypes, and loss of sThy-1+ RT 7.1+ Ig- T cells and normalization of sThy-1- RT 7.1+ Ig- T cells. Irrespective of treatment, no sIgE+ cells were detected in bone marrow, thymus, other lymphoid organs or blood, excluding the possibility that the elimination of these cells from PP was associated with their redistribution to other sites. Thus, exposure to gut flora and bacterial peptidoglycan components may have resulted in IgE isotype switching, either directly or through the mediation of accessory and/or sThy-1+ RT 7.1+ regulatory T cells. The sites in which sIgE+ B cells are down-regulated appear to be PP.
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