Optimizing Data Aggregation by Leveraging the Deep Memory Hierarchy on Large-scale Systems

Autor: Paul Gressier, Venkatram Vishwanath, Francois Tessier
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: ICS
DOI: 10.1145/3205289.3205316
Popis: Effective data aggregation is of paramount importance for data-centric applications in order to improve data movement for I/O or to facilitate complex workflows, such as in-situ analysis, as well as coupling models and data for multi-physics. A key challenge for data aggregation in current and upcoming architectures is the heterogeneity of memory and storage systems (including DRAM, MCDRAM, NVRAM or parallel file system). One has to take advantage of this hierarchy and the characteristics of each tier to achieve improved performance at scale. In this paper, we present a topology and memory-aware data movement library performing data aggregation on large-scale systems. We first detail our hardware abstraction layer to accomplish code and performance portability on various platforms. Next, we present a cost model taking into account the system interconnect and the memory properties to determine an appropriate location for aggregating data. We also describe how we have implemented a data aggregation mechanism through the read algorithm. Finally, we show how we can improve data movement on a visualization cluster and a leadership-class supercomputer up to 16K processes with a benchmark and two typical I/O kernels. Particularly, we demonstrate how our approach can decrease the I/O time of a classic workflow by 26%.
Databáze: OpenAIRE