A Hybrid Delphi Multi-criteria Sorting Approach for Polypharmacy Evaluations

Autor: Caroline Sirois, Marie-Laure Laroche, Anissa Frini
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Transactions on Engineering Technologies ISBN: 9789813298071
Popis: With the intensification of chronical disease within older people, concurrent use of different drugs (polypharmacy) is becoming increasingly frequent. However, there is no established manner to determine whether polypharmacy is appropriate or not. We propose an original method of classifying polypharmacy using a Delphi survey results and multi-criteria decision-aid methods. To do this, we provided clinicians with a list of drugs that could be potentially prescribed to the typical elderly person suffering from three diseases (diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and heart failure). Clinicians expressed their opinions on a 5-point Likert scale, allowing for hesitation between two or more answers. They evaluated risks, benefits, and impacts of each drug on the patient’s quality of life. We then aggregated these evaluations in order to obtain, for each drug, a multi-criteria evaluation vector representing the collective opinion of the clinicians consulted. Subsequently, ELECTRE Tri-C and ELECTRE Tri multi-criteria sorting methods were used to evaluate and assign the polypharmacy to one of the following three categories: appropriate, more or less appropriate, or not appropriate. The proposed approach is innovative and enables the integration of a variety of conflicting criteria in the evaluation of polypharmacy quality. It also allows clinicians to express their opinion, and their hesitation where relevant, linguistically.
Databáze: OpenAIRE