Electron crystallography of the polymethylene chain. 3. Three-dimensional crystal structure of a refined paraffin wax 1

Autor: D. L. Dorset
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials. 214:362-366
ISSN: 2196-7105
Popis: The three-dimensional crystal structure of a commercial paraffin wax has been determined from electron diffraction intensity data collected from epitaxially oriented samples. The orthorhombic space group is A21 am, where a = 7.46(5) Å, b = 4.97(1) Å, c/2 = 41.2(1) Å. On average, the lamellar packing resembles the B-form of n-C31H64. Although disorder occurs near the lamellar surfaces, as indicated by fractional atomic occupancies, the final structure (R = 0.19, based on 38 unique hkl intensities) is still very well-ordered.
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