Le Prostate Health Index (PHI) a-t-il une place dans l’arsenal du dépistage biologique du cancer de la prostate ? Étude préliminaire

Autor: J.-L. Bonnal, G. Forzy, T. Guéry
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Immuno-analyse & Biologie Spécialisée. 26:143-146
ISSN: 0923-2532
DOI: 10.1016/j.immbio.2011.02.003
Popis: Summary Objectives The Prostate Health Index (PHI) is calculated from concentrations of 3 different proteins: the total Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), the free PSA and [–2]proPSA (p2PSA).We compared the PHI with 3 different markers: The total PSA, the free PSA and the free PSA/total PSA rate. Patients and methods When the total PSA was measured between 2 and 10 ng/mL, both the p2PSA and the free PSA immunoassays were performed. Statistical analysis searched a correlation between new (the p2PSA and the PHI) and usual (the total PSA, the free PSA and the free PSA/total PSA rate) markers. Results The p2PSA is correlated with the total PSA, the free PSA and the free PSA/total PSA rate but we observed a great dispersion. The PHI is not correlated with the total PSA neither with the free PSA nor with the free PSA/total PSA rate. Conclusion These results show that the PHI is an independent biomarker. A clinical study will show if the PHI is an interesting clinical biomarker.
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