Management of sanitary supervision of occupational health at oil refineries and petrochemical plants (analytical review)

Autor: Margarita R. Yakhina, Vladimir O. Krasovsky
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Hygiene and sanitation. 100:246-253
ISSN: 2412-0650
DOI: 10.47470/0016-9900-2021-100-3-246-253
Popis: Relevance. Occupational health (factory medicine) as applied medical science provides sanitary inspection practice with theoretical generalizations for rational holding and increase in efficiency of control (supervising) actions. Currently, oil processing and petrochemical plants showed scientific and technical progress with the implementation of new technologies and automation of production, toughening of requirements of industrial safety, and labor protection. But this industry still represents technically difficult huge complexes of the fire and explosion hazardous equipment with harmful intensive chemical and noise effects on the environment and in the first turn, on the workers. Among objects of sanitary inspection in any region of the enterprise, oil processing and petrochemistry Relevance. Occupational health (factory medicine) as applied medical science provides sanitary inspection practice with theoretical generalizations for rational holding and increase in efficiency of control (supervising) actions. Currently, oil processing and petrochemical plants showed scientific and technical progress with the implementation of new technologies and automation of production, toughening of requirements of industrial safety, and labor protection. But this industry still represents technically difficult huge complexes of the fire and explosion hazardous equipment with harmful intensive chemical and noise effects on the environment and in the first turn, on the workers. Among objects of sanitary inspection in any region of the enterprise, oil processing and petrochemistry represent various conglomerates of the main, the auxiliary and providing production of the demanding special receptions in the analysis and preventions of their harm and danger not only to workers, but also to the population. Aim of the study. To analyze existing hygienic characteristics and requirements to factors of the production environment and work, for the modem enterprises of oil processing and petrochemistry in control (supervising) actions for the increase in efficiency of the leading function of service for managing and supervision in ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population of the Russian Federation, consumer protection and rendering the methodical help to practical employees of service. Conclusions. The most relevant documents are selected and literature sources are listed to optimize the leading function of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being for control and supervision in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population of the Russian Federation and consumer rights protection. various conglomerates of the main, the auxiliary and providing production of the demanding special receptions in the analysis and preventions of their harm and danger not only to workers, but also to the population. Aim of the study. To analyze existing hygienic characteristics and requirements to factors of the production environment and work, for the modem enterprises of oil processing and petrochemistry in control (supervising) actions for the increase in efficiency of the leading function of service for managing and supervision in ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population of the Russian Federation, consumer protection and rendering the methodical help to practical employees of service. Conclusions. The most relevant documents are selected and literature sources are listed to optimize the leading function of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being for control and supervision in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population of the Russian Federation and consumer rights protection.
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