Autor: Ara��jo, Cl��udia, Rocha, Cleomar de Sousa, Marcon, Mary Aurora da Costa, Rodrigues, Olira
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5803470
Popis: The article discusses the concept of the subject as a social being and how obvious this notion is in digital culture. It starts from the characterization of the algorithmic subject in the networks, which is coated in the movement and flow of the complex, discontinuous and non-linear environment. From the bibliographic review, qualitative approach and phenomenological approach, the text, with a theoreticalspeculative orientation, infers about valuescollected on the generated data, in which humans and nonhumans may have the same value, and concludes that, in networks, the notion of subject changes, acquiring characteristics of a digital, algorithmic subject. O artigo discute a concep����o de sujeito enquanto ser social e as implica����es dessa no����o na cultura digital. Parte-se da caracteriza����o do sujeito algoritmizado nas redes, que se reveste no movimento e fluxo do ambiente complexo, descont��nuo e n��o linear. A partir de revis��o bibliogr��fica, abordagem qualitativa e aproxima����o fenomenol��gica, o texto, de orienta����o te��rico-especulativa, infere acerca de valores mantidos sobre os dados gerados, em que humanos e n��o humanos podem ter o mesmo valor, e conclui que, nas redes, a no����o de sujeito se altera, adquirindo caracter��sticas de um sujeito digital, algoritmizado
Databáze: OpenAIRE