Economic Prospects in Western Europe

Autor: Milton Gilbert
Rok vydání: 1957
Zdroj: The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 312:109-115
ISSN: 1552-3349
DOI: 10.1177/000271625731200114
Popis: Originally formed to help distribute American financial aid in Eu rope under the Marshall Plan, the Organization for European Cooperation has since 1950 been the main forum for discussion and common action about the economic problems of Western Europe. In 1951, the Council called for an over-all expansion of production of 25 per cent in five years and set targets for various basic industries. Most of them were achieved. The next five years will show a slower rate of development, and the real demands for resources are likely to cause strains in the economy. Various ways in which the United States can offset this strain are suggested.—Ed.
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