
Autor: Nicola Searle, Barbara Townley, Philip John Roscoe
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Creating Economy
Popis: We have now completed our journey through the creative economy. Our concluding chapter draws together arguments and elaborates policy suggestions. We examine the value of IP/IPR as an analytical construct and consider how it adds to our understanding of contemporary debates over the creative industries. Our analysis of IP policy and attendant rights issues argues that any evidence-based policy should be based on an understanding of the role of IP/IPR within the valorization process as a whole. We also place our discussion of IP within the context of cultural and education policy, emphasizing the importance of cultural access and support and the development of craft skills that underpin the process of creating intellectual property. We argue both are crucial for the future of creative production and the cultural economy as a whole.
Databáze: OpenAIRE