Comparison of Online Education Methods versus Traditional Anatomy Teaching for Medical Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Autor: Arzu HİZAY, Yeşim ŞENOL
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Tıp Eğitimi Dünyası.
ISSN: 1303-328X
Popis: Background: The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have been experienced worldwide since the beginning of 2020. In this process, especially all educational activities were adversely affected. With this study, it has been questioned whether online Anatomy education will be evaluated with student feedback during the Covid-19 pandemic period and whether it will be efficient to use online education more actively in the coming years. In addition, it was designed to determine the effect of the COVID 19 epidemic on Anatomy teaching in medical students by comparing traditional anatomy teaching with online education method. Methods: This study was carried out with second-year and third-year students studying at Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine. Third-year students completed their anatomy education mainly online, while second-year students completed their anatomy education mainly with the hybrid application method. In this study, opinions about the virtual teaching method for the discipline of anatomy and the effect of teaching methods on student during the COVID-19 epidemic were examined. Results: Traditional anatomy teaching continues to be the most preferred and effective teaching method. Students highly preferred pre-recorded video recordings of lectures from online anatomy methods. When the results are evaluated, although it has been determined that online methods are beneficial in terms of effectiveness and efficiency, online methods have been preferred "partially" instead of traditional education. Conclusion: As a result, we believe that the online anatomy lessons are important for student's professional development. However, we still think that online education will not replace the traditional education system. This study will be a resource for studies in the fields of medicine and health sciences in terms of online education.
Databáze: OpenAIRE