Museer, kön och genus - några reflektioner kring en närvarande frånvaro

Autor: Marianne Bäckman, Simon Ekström
Rok vydání: 1970
Zdroj: Nordisk Museologi. :83
ISSN: 2002-0503
DOI: 10.5617/nm.3130
Popis: Museums, sex and gender – some reflections on a current absence. Abstract: What is it that makes women and objects coded by women so often over- shadowed in museums? And why is it so easy not to notice this fact? The article aims to discuss the amount of selection and de-selection that results in women only having a limited presence in the museum arena, so that they easily disappear from view – despite the fact that this is an absence that plays out before our very eyes. The starting point is a gender audit carried out in 2007 at the Museum of Ethno- graphy in Stockholm, and the article provides a re-examination of some of the comments that came to light.
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