Iglesias resectoscope with continuous irrigation, suction and low intravestical pressure

Autor: J. J. Iglesias
Rok vydání: 1975
Zdroj: Acta Endoscopica. 5:197-202
ISSN: 1958-5454
DOI: 10.1007/bf02973546
Popis: A resectoscope with continuous irrigation, suction and low intravesical pressure has been described. Advantages of this instrument include: No interruption, better endoscopic vision by a continuous clear inflow of more than 400 ml per minute, less bleeding, no air bubbles, a constant intravesical pressure less than 10 mm. Hg during the TUR, prevents the absorption of the irrigant and explosions, shorter operating time, easier teaching and no more wet floor and wet surgeon. Since the entire amount of irrigating fluid is collected, blood loos can be calculated and the amount of absorption determined.
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