ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of Benzylcyanoborane Adducts of Amines and Separation of Their Enantiomers; SN2 Substitution at Boron Atom

Autor: Paul Pham van Chuong, Loic Toupet, Thierry Le Gall, Laurent Charoy, Alain Valleix, Charles Mioskowski
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: ChemInform. 32
ISSN: 1522-2667
Popis: Benzylcyanoborane adducts of several amines were prepared in four steps from toluene, their enantiomers were separated using chiral phase HPLC and an SN2 pathway was evidenced in the reaction of a trimethylamine-derived enantiomer with pyridine.
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