Irreversible adiabatic decoherence of dipole-interacting nuclear-spin pairs coupled with a phonon bath

Autor: F. D. Domínguez, C. E. González, R. C. Zamar, H. H. Segnorile
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Physical Review A. 93
ISSN: 2469-9934
DOI: 10.1103/physreva.93.022120
Popis: We report a first-principle theoretical study of the adiabatic decoherence undergone by a nuclear spin system in a solid, coupled to the phonon field through the dipolar interaction. The calculations are performed for a chain of weakly interacting 1/2-spin pairs, considered as an open quantum system in contact with a bosonic heat bath. By incorporating to the whole system Hamiltonian the fluctuations of the local dipolar energy produced by low frequency phonons, and assuming that this low energy fluctuations are adiabatic, we find that the spin dynamics can be described in closed form through a spin-boson model. The obtained results show that the coupling with the phonons destroy the spin coherence, and the efficiency of the process significantly depends on the complexity of the involved spin states. By using realistic values for the various parameters of the model, we conclude that this mechanism can be particularly efficient to degrade multi-spin coherences, when the number of `active' spins involved in a given coherence is high. In this way, we show that the spin coherence in the adiabatic regime can be noticeably affected by this mechanism.
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