Integrated, long term, sustainable, cost effective biosolids management at a large Canadian wastewater treatment facility

Autor: C.J. Allain, J. G. Henry, R.J. LeBlanc, P.J. Laughton
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Water Science and Technology. 49:155-162
ISSN: 1996-9732
DOI: 10.2166/wst.2004.0633
Popis: The Greater Moncton Sewerage Commission's 115,000 m3/d advanced, chemically assisted primary wastewater treatment facility located in New Brunswick, Canada, has developed an integrated, long term, sustainable, cost effective programme for the management and beneficial utilization of biosolids from lime stabilized raw sludge. The paper overviews biosolids production, lime stabilization, conveyance, and odour control followed by an indepth discussion of the wastewater sludge as a resource programme, namely: composting, mine site reclamation, landfill cover, land application for agricultural use, tree farming, sod farm base as a soil enrichment, topsoil manufacturing. The paper also addresses the issues of metals, pathogens, organic compounds, the quality control program along with the regulatory requirements. Biosolids capital and operating costs are presented. Research results on removal of metals from primary sludge using a unique biological process known as BIOSOL as developed by the University of Toronto, Canada to remove metals and destroy pathogens are presented. The paper also discusses an ongoing cooperative research project with the Université de Moncton where various mixtures of plant biosolids are composted with low quality soil. Integration, approach to sustainability and “cumulative effects” as part of the overall biosolids management strategy are also discussed.
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