Impact of Panchagavya on Oryza sativa L. Grown Under Saline Stress

Autor: Tahira Akther, Mohd Shahanbaj Khan, S. Hemalatha
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 36:702-713
ISSN: 1435-8107
Popis: Panchagavya (PG) is an organic formulation prepared from the different byproducts of cow which has been extensively utilized as an alternative, cheaper, and effective source of organic manure in India. Its application resulted in the improvement of various factors including soil alkalinity, sodicity, acidity, fertility, nutrients, plant growth, metabolites, defense response, and yield. Salinity is a global threat to crop productivity as it turns agronomically important land into infertile area. To contemplate the complications of salinity, the current study was carried out to characterize the useful components of PG. The molecular, biochemical, and cell biological studies with PG elucidated the effective role of PG to cope up with saline stress. The expression of genes encoding catalase (CAT1), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), transcription factor WRKY53, and Bax inhibitor 1 (BI1) were altered with PG under saline stress, indicating the PG is acting at the biochemical and molecular level. By this study, for the first time we have demonstrated the characterization of PG by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The molecular mechanism of action of PG under saline condition is also demonstrated for the first time.
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