The influence of polar-cap convection on the geoelectric field at Vostok, Antarctica

Autor: G. B. Burns, V. O. Papitashvili, M. L. Duldig, Oleg Troshichev, Kelvin J. Michael, A. M. Breed, RC Corney, Edgar A. Bering, A. V. Frank-Kamenetsky
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 65:345-354
ISSN: 1364-6826
Popis: Vertical geoelectric field measurements at Vostok, Antarctica ( 78.5° S , 107° E ; corrected geomagnetic latitude, 83.4°S) made during 1998 are compared with both Weimer (1996) and IZMEM (1994) model calculations of the solar-wind-induced, polar-cap potential differences with respect to the station. By investigating the correlations between these parameters for individual UT hours, we confirm and extend the diurnal range over which significant correlations have been obtained. Nineteen individual UT hours are significantly correlated with the Weimer model predictions and nine with the IZMEM model predictions. Diurnal variation in the slopes of the linear regressions allows us to comment on each model, demonstrating that Antarctic polar plateau geoelectric field measurements can be used to investigate polar convection. Seasonal variations in the diurnal electric field variations at Vostok are compared with the Carnegie global electric circuit diurnal curves, after allowance is made for the solar-wind-induced, polar-cap potential difference patterns.
Databáze: OpenAIRE