A Data Mining Approach to Expressive Music Performance Modeling

Autor: Amaury Hazan, Xavier Serra, Rafael Ramirez, Esteban Maestre
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Multimedia Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery ISBN: 9781846284366
Popis: In this chapter we present a data mining approach to one of the most challenging aspects of computer music: modeling the knowledge applied by a musician when performing a score in order to produce an expressive performance of a piece. We apply data mining techniques to real performance data (i.e., audio recordings) in order to induce an expressive performance model. This leads to an expressive performance system consisting of three components: (1) a melodic transcription component that extracts a set of acoustic features from the audio recordings, (2) a data mining component that induces an expressive transformation model from the set of extracted acoustic features, and (3) a melody synthesis component that generates expressive monophonic output (MIDI or audio) from inexpressive melody descriptions using the induced expressive transformation model. We describe, explore, and compare different data mining techniques for inducing the expressive transformation model.
Databáze: OpenAIRE