Ultra thick epoxy-based dry-film resist for high aspect ratios

Autor: Anja Voigt, Holger Reinecke, N. Wangler, S. Beck, Claas Müller, G. Ahrens, Gabi Grützner
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Microelectronic Engineering. 97:92-95
ISSN: 0167-9317
Popis: This work presents a new type of high-resolution dry-film resist laminates for the fabrication of extremely thick epoxy based polymer structures. Via a lamination process a resist thickness of up to d=360@mm can be applied by one single process step. Afterwards, the dry-film resist is patterned by standard UV-lithography. An epoxy based resist mixture which contains epoxy resins, reactive diluents, additives, and a photo acid generator is deposited onto a PET supporting film by doctor blading for fabrication of the resist film. The films can be cut defect-free into favoured sheet sizes. Currently, dry-film resists with a layer thickness of up to 400@mm can be produced reproducible. With the tested d=360@mm thick dry-film resist an aspect ratio of 15:1 (height:width) has been achieved. By lamination and UV-patterning of two layers resist a master for 700@mm thick electroplated Nickel structures was fabricated. Thereby, steep side walls with an angle deviation of @a
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