Evaluation of ScubaPro Superhawk' Buoyancy Compensator'

Autor: C. J. Zanoni
Rok vydání: 2001
Popis: NEDU was tasked to conduct a survey of commercially available buoyancy compensators (BCs) and perform testing to determine which BC perform satisfactorily. Buoyancy compensator evaluation was conducted in three phases. Phase I included receipt inspection of the buoyancy compensator, technical review of the manufacturer-supplied documentation (instructions/repair manuals), diver orientation, and Test Pool Evaluation (surface floating attitudes if BCs were used as life jackets). No failure mode analysis was conducted. Phase II consisted of buoyancy/lift capacity testing in the 0SF at 190 fsw. Phase III consisted of manned dives in the Gulf of Mexico to test diver buoyancy control and operational characteristics.
Databáze: OpenAIRE