Intergenerational Roots of Finnish Women’s Sex-atypical Careers

Autor: Anna Raija Nummenmaa, Tapio Nummenmaa
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: International Journal of Behavioral Development. 21:1-14
ISSN: 1464-0651
DOI: 10.1080/016502597384956
Popis: The study investigates background factors influencing the pursuit of sex-atypical careers by Finnish women ( N = 235). Adolescents were investigated three times during an 8-year follow-up; the first time when the girls were in the ”nal grade of high school and planning their careers, the second time when they had gained a place either in professional education or at university, and ”nally when they had taken their place in working life. Background information was obtained about parents and grandparents. Recursive models with latent generational family variables were ”tted. Nonagricultural background of the grandparents predicted a somewhat higher education for the parents, which in turn predicted higher academic success in high school leading to an interest in, and the realisation of, sex-atypical careers.
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