Recipes for IoT applications

Autor: Ganindu P. Medagoda, Aparna Saisree Thuluva, Arne Bröring, Jan Seeger, Darko Anicic, Hettige Don
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: IOT
Popis: The Internet of Things (IoT) is on rise. More and more physical devices and their virtual shadows emerge and become accessible through IoT platforms. Marketplaces are being built to enable and monetize the access to IoT offerings, i.e., data and functions offered by platforms, things, and services. In order to maximize the usefulness of such IoT offerings we need mechanisms that allow their efficient and flexible composition.This paper describes a novel approach for such compositions. The approach is based on the notion of Recipes that define work-flows on how their ingredients, i.e., instances of IoT offerings, shall interact with each other. Furthermore the paper presents a novel user interface that enables users to create and instantiate recipes by selecting their ingredients. An example from the smart mobility domain guides through the paper, illustrates our approach, and demonstrates as a proof-of-concept.
Databáze: OpenAIRE