Prototype Design of IoT (Internet of Things)-based Load Monitoring System

Autor: Husein Mubarok, Agus Ardiansyah
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: 2020 3rd International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ISRITI).
Popis: All jobs and human needs are highly dependent on the existence of electrical energy, especially on household needs. Human negligence in the use of electrical energy will cause extravagance which also has an impact on rising electricity consumption costs. Therefore, we need a tool that can monitor the use of electrical energy and can limit the flow of load usage, even though the user of electrical energy is not at home. Of course, to make this tool requires a voltage sensor, current sensor, relay, Arduino UNO, and NodeMCU. The voltage sensor uses ZMPT101B which functions to read the voltage value, the current sensor uses ACS712 which functions to read the current value, the relay functions to limit the current value using when the current sensor reads the current value at load and then the writer regulates the program by limiting the current that can enter by 2 A and if it exceeds the current limit, this monitoring tool will turn off, Arduino UNO functions to process data read from voltage and current sensors, and NodeMCU as a WIFI module that functions to send data to the server so that it can be viewed with the internet network. The results of tests carried out measurements for 2 hours on the loaded iron, fan, television, 1 phase AC motor, solder, dispenser, HP laptop chargers, incandescent lamps, and refrigerators using ZMPT101B and ACS712 produce an error of 0.3% respectively and 0.28%
Databáze: OpenAIRE