On the validity of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation in the indirect dissociative recombination process

Autor: ��ur��k, Roman, Hvizdo��, D��vid, Greene, Chris H.
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1810.09124
Popis: An alternative method is introduced to solve a simple two-dimensional models describing vibrational excitation and dissociation processes during the electron-molecule collisions. The model works with one electronic and one nuclear degree of freedom. The two-dimensional $R$-matrix can be constructed simultaneously on the electronic and nuclear surfaces using all three forms developed previously for electron-atom and electron-molecule collisions. These are the eigenchannel $R$-matrix form, inversion technique of Nesbet and Robicheaux, and the Wigner-Eisenbud-type form using expansion over the poles of the symmetrized Hamiltonian. The 2D $R$-matrix method is employed to solve a simple model tailored to describe the dissociative recombination and the vibrational excitation of H$_2^+$ cation in the singlet ungerade symmetry $^1��_u$. These results then serve as a (near-exact) benchmark for the following calculation in which the $R$-matrix states are replaced by their Born-Oppenheimer approximations. The accuracy of this approach and its correction with the first-order nonadiabatic couplings are discussed.
11 pages, 9 figures
Databáze: OpenAIRE