Degradation of MOS tunnel structures at high current density

Autor: M. I. Veksler, I. V. Grekhov, A. F. Shulekin
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Semiconductors. 32:668-672
ISSN: 1090-6479
Popis: The stability of tunneling-thin (2–3 nm) SiO2 films during prolonged flow of high-density currents (102–103 A/cm2) was investigated. A sharp increase in the charge which a tunneling MOS structure is capable of transmitting without degradation on switching from Fowler-Nordheim injection to direct tunneling (103 C/cm2 and 107 C/cm2, respectively) was observed. The degradation of SiO2 films was investigated using Al/SiO2/n-Si/p +-Si thyristor structures with a positive bias on the semiconductor, i.e., with reverse bias of the MOS structure. The use of these devices accounted for the uniformity of the current distribution over the area and made it possible to monitor the state of the insulator layer by measuring the device gain in the phototransistor mode.
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