Design of Biomedical Laboratory and Specialized Biocontainment Facilities

Autor: Jonathan Y. Richmond, Jonathan T. Crane
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Biological Safety
DOI: 10.1128/9781555819637.ch16
Popis: World circumstances have changed the small, simple biocontainment facilities of the past into larger, more complex facilities with difficult design decisions. There is not “one way” to design any laboratory; therefore this chapter provides both laboratory users and designers with relevant information to assist in making choices appropriate for the needs of specific projects. If the architect and engineers make decisions without local input and informed consent, it is unlikely that the completed laboratory will be satisfactory. The design of biomedical research laboratories, particularly biocontainment laboratories, is an exercise in making choices that are often between competing ideas and needs. However, if the potential users become an active, integral part of the process and an experienced design team is engaged, the facility will likely meet current needs and future requirements. Competent professional assistance is a necessity in this design process.
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