A Case of Laparoscopically Managed Myometrial Scar Ectopic Pregnancy

Autor: Madhuri Kashyap, Meenu Agarwal
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: International Journal of Gynecological Endoscopy. 1:28-31
Popis: Intramural pregnancy, an ectopic gestation completely surrounded by the myometrium located within the uterine wall with separation from the uterine cavity, is an extremely unusual form of pregnancy. Complications resulting from intramural pregnancy include inevitable uterine rupture with resultant hemorrhage and possible hysterectomy if the diagnosis is not made early and treatment is not initiated. A patient presented with missed abortion, suction curettage was done but no placental villi were seen in the products. She had a previous history of laparoscopic myomectomy 6 months ago. A provisional diagnosis of myometrial scar pregnancy was made and was confirmed with Doppler and magnetic resonance imaging. Laparoscopic enucleation of ectopic sac was done against medical management with methotrexate. The patient conceived successfully through intracytoplasmic sperm injection for male factor and delivered twins by lower (uterine) segment cesarean section at term. How to cite this article Agarwal M, Kashyap M, Meshram S. A Case of Laparoscopically Managed Myometrial Scar Ectopic Pregnancy. Int J Gynecol Endsc 2017;1(1):28-31.
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