Artifactual Hypoglycemia: An Old Term for a New Classification

Autor: Mohsen Zena, Marc Rendell, Valentina D. Tarasova
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Diabetes Care. 37:e85-e86
ISSN: 1935-5548
Popis: The American Diabetes Association and The Endocrine Society workgroup on the 2013 classification of hypoglycemia (1) in patients with diabetes changed the previously used term “relative hypoglycemia” to “pseudo-hypoglycemia” while defining symptoms of hypoglycemia without confirmatory low glucose values and failing to include falsely low readings of glucose on capillary blood samples (1,2). In the past, pseudo-hypoglycemia was defined as a discrepancy between low capillary glucose and normal plasma glucose. We illustrate the current incongruity by reporting a case of a patient with Raynaud phenomenon with falsely low capillary blood glucose measured by finger stick. A 75-year-old female with esophageal cancer post esophagectomy was found to have repeated asymptomatic low finger-stick blood glucose values varying from 11 to 53 mg/dL that were treated …
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