Radiation Belt Activity Indices and Solar Proton Event Alarm

Autor: Sebastien Bourdarie, Eric Lorfevre, A. Sicard-Piet, Daniel Boscher, G. Rolland, Didier Lazaro, Robert Ecoffet
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 61:1671-1678
ISSN: 1558-1578
Popis: In the frame of the ONERA-CNES CRATERRE project, which aims to organize studies around radiation belt specification models, the local database Ionizing Particle ONERA Database (IPODE), gathering measurements from many radiation detectors, is presented. Relying on this daily updated database, two radiation belt activity indices with electron flux measurement (> 300 keV and > 1.6 MeV) and one solar proton event alarm with proton flux measurement (> 75 MeV) are developed for postevents analysis. Approach definition and validation are detailed for both indices and alarm. Those indicators are plotted over the last 30 days on the CRATERRE project website and are updated every day.
Databáze: OpenAIRE