Effects of sleep inertia on cognitive performance following a 1-hour nap

Autor: Alain Muzet, Alain Nicolas, Jean-Pierre Libert, Gérard Dewasmes, J. Ehrhart, Patricia Tassi, Hélène Otzenberger, Pierre Salamé
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Work & Stress. 9:528-539
ISSN: 1464-5335
Popis: This study investigated the effects of a 1-h nap on subsequent performance in spatial memory (SM) and logical reasoning (LR) tasks. The objective was to evaluate the duration of the effects of sleep inertia (SI). The performance was measured in two independent groups of subjects. The 1-h nap took place at 00:00 h in group 1 and at 03:00 h in group 2. In each task, the experimental design comprised one no-nap condition in which subjects had no sleep before the night tests, and a nap condition that comprised the 1-h nap followed by the test sessions. To measure the duration of SI effects, the subjects were tested in two 30-min sessions and the data in each session were analysed in sub-units of time of 3 min each. In each task the results showed no effects on accuracy, and no circadian effects of napping were found. In each task, analyses of pooled data of the two groups showed that the performance in the 1-h nap condition exhibited significant reductions of speed immediately following awakening, wh...
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