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In the Podillya area, the most promising for greening different objects is the Lupine perennis L. and Lupine Polyphyllus Lindl. For creation of modern garden compositions of the park zone of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University the most appropriate are the varieties: Lulu-Russell, Minaret, Albus, Fireworks, which were well adapted to the growing conditions, were practically not affected by pests and diseases, were sufficiently resistant to environmental conditions. According to the flowering phase study, it was found that the highest flowering duration was observed in perennial lupine plants. In determining the suitability of the plants studied by us for their use in landscaping, their assessment of the complex of economic and biological indicators in accordance with the State Methodology of Variety Testing was carried out. Their high score on a set of criteria testifies to the prospect and suitability for cultivation in Podillia conditions, as well as the value for different uses: flower beds, ridges, mixboards, landscape type compositions and their smaller variants imitating natural groups. Key words: Lupinus L; Variety; Hybrid; Flowering time; Biomorphological features; Decorative characteristics; Growing area References Atkins, C. A. (2002). Phenotypic diversity among annual lupins used for crops or having cropping potential. Internat. Conf. on Legumes Genomic and Genetics, Abstracts, 4, 123-140. Bahmat M. I., Mazur V. A., Didur I. M., Pantsyreva H. V., & Telekalo N. V. (2018). Bioenergy efficiency of the usage of biopreparations for the growth of white lupine in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 8(3): 203-208 (in Ukraine). Brelles, M, G., & Boiardi, J. L. (1996). 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