Holographic nondestructive testing in bone biomechanics

Autor: Markku Karna, Raimo Silvennoinen, Kaarlo Nygren
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
DOI: 10.1117/12.60199
Popis: Holographic nondestructive testing (HNDT) is used to investigate the complex structures ofbones of various shapes and sizes subjected to forces. During the course of the present study three antlered deer skulls of different specieswere investigated, and significant species-specific differences were observed. The HNDT method was also used toverify of the advanced healing of an osteosynthetized sheep jawbone. Radioulnar bones of normal and orphanedmoose calf were subjected to bending test. Different bending dynamics were observed. 1. INTRODUCTION Compared with the conventional testing methods used in bone biomechanics (e.g. the three-point loading. method',pressure or bending detectors2, birefringent coating methods), the holographic nondestructive testing method ( HNDT)4' has the advantage of providing an accurate overall picture of surface movement caused by forces.Furthermore, complex movement patterns can be studied by choosing suitable wavelengths and time intervals forrecording. A wide variety of external and internal shock-type or dynamic forces caused by, for example, focusedmechanical impact, bending, compressing, stretching, vibration, heating etc. may be used. Owing to the resolutionof the method used, the effects of comparatively small forces can be detected. Various recording systems, such asstill photographs, cinematographs, and video records, make it possible to follow dynamic processes on the surfacestudied.Up to the present time, the HNDT method has not been extensively used in bone biomechanical studies.
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