Structure of centralizer matrix algebras

Autor: Changchang Xi, Jinbi Zhang
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Linear Algebra and its Applications. 622:215-249
ISSN: 0024-3795
Popis: Given an n × n matrix c over a unitary ring R, the centralizer of c in the full n × n matrix ring M n ( R ) is called a principal centralizer matrix ring, denoted by S n ( c , R ) . We investigate its structure and prove: (1) If c is an invertible matrix with a c-free point, or if R has no zero-divisors and c is a Jordan-similar matrix with all eigenvalues in the center of R, then M n ( R ) is a separable Frobenius extension of S n ( c , R ) in the sense of Kasch. (2) If R is an integral domain and c is a Jordan-similar matrix, then S n ( c , R ) is a cellular R-algebra in the sense of Graham and Lehrer. In particular, if R is an algebraically closed field and c is an arbitrary matrix in M n ( R ) , then S n ( c , R ) is always a cellular algebra, and the extension S n ( c , R ) ⊆ M n ( R ) is always a separable Frobenius extension.
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