Creating In-Plane Metallic-Nanowire Arrays by Corner-Mediated Electrodeposition

Autor: Mu Wang, Bo Zhang, Xiaoping Huang, Ru-Wen Peng, Bingjie Yang, Lifeng Chi, Nan Lu, Yu-Yan Weng, Nai-Ben Ming
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Advanced Materials. 21:3576-3580
ISSN: 1521-4095
Popis: Therefore,oneoftheimportantchallengesinfabricatingmetallicmicrostructures is to find an easy, repeatable, and controllablemethod to meet the increasing demands in optoelectronics andplasmonics.In this communication, we report a new template-assistedelectrochemical approach to fabricate arrays of metallic nano-wires. Unlike conventional template-assisted growth, where thegenerated wires are confined by the size of template, in ourcase the width of the metallic wires can be tuned by changing thecontrol parameters of electrodeposition. By imprinting polymerstripes ona silicon surface, the concave corner of polymerstripesandsiliconsubstrateprovidesapreferentialnucleationsitefortheformation of metal nanowires. The width of wires can be tunedfrom 25nm to a few hundred nanometers. Further, wedemonstrate that this method can be applied for fabricatingmore complicated structures rather than straight lines only.In our experiments, the metallic nanowires are electrodepo-sited with the help of polymer stripes embossed on siliconsurfaces. To form the patterned substrate, a thin film ofpoly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) (mr-I 7030E M
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