Searching for New Z-DNA/Z-RNA Binding Proteins Based on Structural Similarity to Experimentally Validated Z�� Domain

Autor: Bartas, Martin, Slychko, Kristyna, Br��zda, V��clav, ��erve��, Ji����, Beaudoin, Christopher, Blundell, Tom, Pe��inka, Petr
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17863/cam.80167
Popis: Z-DNA and Z-RNA are functionally important left-handed structures of nucleic acids, which play a significant role in several molecular and biological processes including DNA replication, gene expression regulation and viral nucleic acid sensing. Most proteins that have been proven to interact with Z-DNA/Z-RNA contain the so-called Z�� domain, which is structurally well conserved. To date, only eight proteins with Z�� domain have been described within a few organisms (including human, mouse, Danio rerio, Trypanosoma brucei and some viruses). Therefore, this paper aimed to search for new Z-DNA/Z-RNA binding proteins in the complete PDB structures database and from the AlphaFold2 protein models. A structure-based similarity search found 14 proteins with highly similar Z�� domain structure in experimentally-defined proteins and 185 proteins with a putative Z�� domain using the AlphaFold2 models. Structure-based alignment and molecular docking confirmed high functional conservation of amino acids involved in Z-DNA/Z-RNA, suggesting that Z-DNA/Z-RNA recognition may play an important role in a variety of cellular processes.
Databáze: OpenAIRE